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It's a Jungle out there. Underground Utility Detection & Inspection Services






Concrete Imaging Unravels Construction Mysteries

In the construction industry, subsurface objects frequently determine whether a project will succeed or fail. The foundation of many buildings, concrete, contains a plethora of hidden components that can provide serious difficulties throughout the drilling, cutting, and planning stages. These hidden elements, which range from post-tension cables to rebar, beams, and conduits, can affect project budgets, schedules, and safety. Thankfully, our expertise is in deciphering the mysteries buried in concrete, ensuring that building projects move forward with precision, assurance, and clarity.


Concrete Imaging: Peering Beyond the Surface

Concrete scanning—a technique that reveals the secrets concealed within concrete structures—is the foundation of C-N-I Locates‘ expertise. We delve beyond the surface with our cutting-edge scanning technology, giving a thorough layout of obstacles including post-tension cables, rebar, beams, and conduits. Our concrete scanning services provide unmatched clarity for slabs, walls, columns, and beams, giving construction professionals the information they need to make well-informed decisions.


Concrete Coring Applications: Clearing the Path Ahead

Core drilling and anchoring is a significant part of construction projects. Yet, core drilling or anchoring without the understanding of what lies underneath the surface is extremely risky and dangerous. Our technicians apply a gamut of the latest technologies to help identify any obstacles that may be in your way. Our technicians will provide a clear layout on any walls, slabs, columns, or beams of any impediments such as rebar, post tension cables, conduits, beams, etc. upon completion. Incorporating safety minimizes project risks and maximizes project success while coring and anchoring.


Saw Cutting Applications: Mitigating Risks with Precision

Saw cutting is a common procedure in construction. The problems associated with unplanned saw cutting can be expensive and pose serious risks to the workers. We suggest scanning the work area with ground penetrating radar and electromagnetic transmitters/receivers to give a more accurate image of the subsurface to allow for safe and precise saw cutting. With thorough communication we strive to provide your team detailed information that describes and depicts rebar, post tensioned cables, pipes, conduits, wires, cables, grade beams, and other impediments. Rely on us to address these concerns and help you cut through the process with confidence, knowing that actions have been taken to prevent any harm or risk.


Pre-Planning and Design: Charting the Course for Success

Foresight is essential in the fast-paced construction industry. Pre-planning and design are therefore essential phases of any project. CNI Locates technicians provide you with precise information for future concrete penetrations. Our sophisticated equipment can scan large areas and our technicians can provide intricate drawings or sketches that indicate the least dangerous route for subsurface work in the future. By offering perspectives on possible roadblocks and risks, we empower building industry experts to make knowledgeable choices and provide the foundation for a project’s effective completion.


Structural Analysis: Engineering Insights for Optimal Design

It is critical for structural engineers to comprehend the nuances of concrete constructions. Technicians at C-N-I Locates offer essential insights into critical slab details, such as dowel location, concrete thickness, concrete cover and overlay thickness, and rebar and post-tension spacing and depth. We provide precise and accurate structural analysis for applications including buildings, roads, bridges, and more. Structural engineers may ensure the durability and integrity of building projects by designing structures that fulfill safety regulations and performance criteria by utilizing C-N-I Locates‘ experience in concrete scanning and data analysis.