Utility Locate Services in Oregon State
Concrete and Structural Imaging Services in Oregon

CNI Locates has field offices in Eugene, OR and Portland, OR that help provide underground utility detection and inspection services for the entire state of Oregon. Our concrete/structural imaging and scanning technicians utilize nondestructive high frequency ground penetrating radar antennas with a range of 1500 MHz – 2600 MHz to perform services. These GPR antennas are usually used to locate conduits, metallic objects, non-metallic objects, post tension, rebar, voids, etc. in and under concrete. CNI Locates also performs concrete imaging, concrete slab scanning, condition assessments, and structural inspections with these GPR antennas for apartments and condominiums, builders, bridges, commercial companies, contractors, factories, high rise buildings, homeowners, medical buildings, military facilities, municipal buildings, new construction projects, ports, renovations, restaurants, retail stores, roads and highways, warehouses, etc. Before somebody anchors, core drills, cuts, drills, excavates, jack hammers, saw cuts, etc. it is highly recommended to have those areas scanned with high frequency GPR scanning antennas or low frequency GPR pushcart antennas, so they can protect the integrity of a structure or work area by avoiding any important features or utilities in or under the concrete while performing subsurface work. CNI Locates ground penetrating radar antennas do not produce any harmful radiation or by-products, which makes GPR safe to use for technicians and individuals surrounding the work area.
Electrical Ground Fault Locating Services in Oregon

A ground fault occurs when electricity has an unforeseen path to the ground. The path to ground is resistance free and unrestricted and consequently assists the flow of charge to increase extraordinarily and rapidly.
If you have direct buried cables or wires (not in conduit), the possibility of a ground fault happening is more likely. But what should be your first step when you have an underground cable or wire that has a fault? You can contact CNI Locates to provide a fault finding service and help identify the location of your ground fault within 24 hours’ notice, Monday through Friday. We have field offices in Eugene, OR & Portland, OR that service all of Oregon State.
CNI Locates technicians can save you time and money by detecting where your wire is damaged or has failed underground. Furthermore, we are known for offering the most trusted and reliable ground fault locating services in all of Oregon State. Our skilled technicians use A-frame fault finders, electromagnetic transmitters, and electromagnetic receivers to identify the location(s) that need to be repaired. CNI Locates is capable of locating cable to ground faults caused by damaged cable sheaths and can also locate damage to insulation on pipelines. This technique is known as Fault-Finding and uses specific fault-find signals (8K FF) that are transmitted through the cable, pipeline, or wire in question.
If you have a damaged cable, pipeline, or wire do not dig until you know the exact location where it is damaged. It can cause expensive, frustrating, and hazardous problems if you do not locate the fault and utilities around the fault first.
Ground Penetrating Radar Services in Oregon

CNI Locates has field offices in Eugene, OR and Portland, OR that service all of Oregon State, Our technicians perform ground penetrating radar for apartments and condominiums, archaeologists, builders, bridges, commercial companies, contractors, engineers, environmental companies, factories, high rise buildings, homeowners, medical buildings, military facilities, municipal buildings, new construction projects, ports, renovations, restaurants, retail stores, roads and highways, surveyors, warehouses, etc. whenever subsurface work is going to be performed. CNI Locates technicians utilize nondestructive low frequency and high frequency ground penetrating radar antennas with a range of 250 MHz – 2600 MHz to perform ground penetrating radar services. These GPR antennas are typically used to locate conduits, depths of utilities/features, graves, metallic objects, non-metallic objects, post tension, rebar, septic systems, underground storage tanks (UST’s), utilities, voids, etc. in concrete and under the subsurface. Before you perform subsurface work, it is highly recommended to have that area scanned by our lower frequency GPR push carts for deeper visuals and with our high frequency GPR scanning antennas for shallower applications, so you can protect the integrity of your work area by avoiding any important features or utilities while performing subsurface work.
CNI Locates ground penetrating radar antennas offer a non-invasive method for locating hidden features, objects, or utilities, both metallic and non-metallic. It works best when there is a high contrast in the dielectric properties between the ground and the surveyed features, objects, or utilities. For this reason, metal makes the ideal target, such as rebar in the concrete or utilities in the soil. However, this does not limit the potential of GPR; it is still capable of detecting a wide variety of materials below the surface. CNI Locates ground penetrating radar antennas don’t produce any harmful radiation or by-products, which makes GPR safe to use for technicians and individuals around the work area.
Leak Detection Services in Oregon

CNI Locates provides plumbing leak detection services for all of Oregon State out of our Eugene, OR and Portland, OR field office locations. Our technicians use amplified acoustical listening devices and tracer gas to help identify the location of leaks.
Typically, any house or building built before 1969 will have a galvanized water service that is electromagnetically locatable. If all of the underground water pipe is locatable, we will have a 99 percent success rate of finding the leak, since we will be able to mark the exact location and approximate depth of the service.
Typically, any house or building built after 1969 will have a plastic water service that is not electromagnetically locatable. If you have a leak on a plastic water pipe, a plastic water locator is important for finding the location of the leak. When the pipe is not locatable with our plastic pipe detection and ground penetrating radar, the water line must be inserted with a brand- new “steel” fish tape (to avoid putting bacteria into the line). Once the steel fish tape has been inserted into the water pipe, we can guarantee the location that the fish tape has been inserted into the water pipe by using our electromagnetic transmitters to send a signal through the steel fish tape that we can locate with our electromagnetic receivers.
CNI Locates cannot guarantee the ability to find all leaks due to all the limitations that can occur on a site (e.g., ability to drill test holes, access to the utility, backflow preventers, frost free hose bibs, landscape matting, noise in the work area, obstacles, path of least resistance, pipe depth, pipe length (pipes over 300’ in length may need valves installed), pipe size, plastic pipes (undetectable pipes), property owner not being on site to let us test for the leak inside or to hook up our equipment, size of the leak, slopes, soil the pipe is buried in, surface type, unknown pipes that branch out from the main line, vapor barriers, etc.). If we run into any of the limitations mentioned above, we will notify the client so they can make the executive decision on how they would like to proceed. After the limitations have been addressed, we may need to make a return visit to help identify the location of the leak.
Magnetic Detection Services in Oregon

A magnetic detection service is the identification of ferrous metals. Ferrous metals contain iron in them which carries magnetic properties. Magnetic detectors are tremendously useful when you are trying to locate buried cast-iron pipes, catch basins, curb boxes, fire hydrants, handhole covers, manhole covers, meters, oil tanks, PK nails, road culverts, septic tank handles, steel drums, survey markers, valves, vaults, well casings, etc. CNI Locates provides expert magnetic detection and metal detector services in all of Oregon State, from our nearest field office location in Eugene, Oregon or Portland, Oregon.
Metallic Line Detection (Electromagnetic Detection) Services in Oregon

CNI Locates technicians provide metallic line detection services in all of Oregon, from our nearest field office in Portland, Oregon or Eugene, Oregon. Metallic line detection is the process of identifying conductible metallic utilities (e.g., power, phone, tv, gas, water, lighting, irrigation control wires, etc.) with electromagnetic transmitters and receivers.
CNI locates uses three different active methods to identify metallic/conductible utilities.
- Clipping Directly to The Utility (Direct Connection): Clipping directly to the pipe will typically give you the best signal on a utility. To get the most accurate signal and to reduce bleed offs on other utilities, we recommend that our technicians undo any bonds on the utility if it shares a common ground with other utilities.
- Clamping the Utility (Signal Clamp): If our technicians do not have direct access to clip onto a utility, we will clamp the utility from an accessible location. Clamping also provides great signals and is extremely useful for locating accessible cables, conduits, communication drops, power risers, wires, etc.
- Inducing the Utility (Induction): If our technicians do not have access to directly clip or clamp the utility, we will try to induce the utility as a last resort. Inducing sends an electromagnetic signal into the ground beneath our electromagnetic transmitters. Inducing is the least accurate method of active locating but sometimes it is the only option to locate a utility. Inducing is also extremely important when providing a sweep for unknown utilities in a work area.
CNI Locates also uses multiple passive methods to identify metallic/conductible utilities.
Power: Detects 50Hz – 60Hz signals present on most buried electrical conductors.
Radio: Detects re-radiated radio signals present on most buried communication conductors.
CPS: Detects most cathodic protection signals that are used to control corrosion on pipes.
CATV: Detects cable tv signals on most buried television conductors.
Non-Metallic Line Detection Services in Oregon

CNI Locates provides reliable non-metallic pipe detection services from our field office locations in Portland, Oregon and Eugene, Oregon, and services all of Oregon State from the nearest field office location. Non-metallic line detection is the detection of any utilities that are non-metallic (e.g., sewer, drainage, plastic water, fiber optics, empty conduits, etc.) or have breaks in continuity with the use of a locatable flexrod, flexitrace, fish tape, tracer wire, or sonde combine with the use of an electromagnetic transmitter and electromagnetic receiver. Non-metallic line detection is important because electromagnetic transmitters and receivers are not able to send/receive a signal on a utility that is not metal/conductible, unless those utilities are inserted with something that is metallic (e.g., flexrod, flexitrace, fish tape, tracer wire, sonde, etc.). CNI performs non-metallic line detection along with an array of other services in all of Oregon State.
Private and Public Utility Locate Services in Oregon

CNI Locates provides public and private utility locates in all of Oregon State, from our nearest field office location in Eugene, Oregon or Portland, Oregon. Our services include Design Survey Locating, Electrical Fault Detection, Ground Penetrating Radar, Leak Detection, Magnetic Detection services, Metallic Line Detection, Non Metallic Line Detection, Plastic Water Pipe Detection, Sophisticated Reports, Structural and Concrete Scanning, Video Push Camera Inspections (VPIs), and much more in all of Oregon State.
Private utilities are utilities that are customer owned. Typically, these utilities are past the meter base, but sometimes the utilities can be designated private if they are on your property (e.g., water from the water meter to a house, electrical, gas, tv, phone, water, sewer, or drainage lines to detached structures, filtration systems for pools, irrigation (sprinkler) systems, yard lighting, well water and electrical, septic systems, satellite dish lines, propane lines, electric dog fence, gas lines for fire pits and barbecue grills, roof drainage systems, sewer/drainage services, etc.). These utilities need to be located by a professional underground detection and inspection service like CNI Locates.
Public utilities are owned by the utility companies. Utilities are typically public up to a meter base or the edge of private property lines. These utilities are typically marked by 811. It is the law to call 811 before performing any subsurface work (ORS 757.557.), but 50 percent of utilities in most work areas are private utilities that require assistance from a private utility locator like CNI Locates. Public utility locators are extremely useful for avoiding public utilities while performing subsurface work; however, the 811 service does not include locating private utilities. In the United States there is an underground utility strike every one to two minutes, so don’t forget to call 811 and CNI Locates to locate your underground utilities before you dig or perform subsurface work.
Plastic Water Locate Services in Oregon

CNI Locates provides plastic pipe detection in all of Oregon, from our nearest field office location in Eugene, Oregon or Portland, Oregon. Generally, any house or building built after 1969 will have a plastic water service due to code changes. Plastic water pipes (ABS, CPVC, PEX, PE-RT, Polypropylene, Polybutylene, PVC, etc.) cannot be located electromagnetically (unless they are inserted with something metal or detected with GPR scanning). CNI Locates uses electronic pulse transmitters to send a gentle (safe) water pulse through your pipe that we can acoustically listen for with our amplified listening devices.
CNI Locates uses two different types of plastic pipe detectors. Small Electronic Pulse Transmitters (EPTs) and Large Electronic Pulse Transmitters. Our small EPTs also known as knockers, transondes, tappers, thumpers, and plastic pipe locators generate a pulse or a noise in the water pipe, which can be heard with the use of an acoustical listening device. This sound can be heard at depths in excess of 4 feet and for more than 300 feet in length depending on the size of the pipe, depth of pipe, soil condition, amount of t’s, elbows, angles, etc. Our small EPTs are suitable for domestic pipes up to 2 inches in diameter, although they can be used on larger pipes with some success. The water flow through the device is minimal but enough to generate a very loud thump. Our large EPTs generate a pulse or a noise in the water pipe, which can be heard with the use of an acoustical listening device. This pulse or thump can be heard at depths over 4 feet and traced up to 1000 feet in length depending on the size of pipe, depth of pipe, soil condition, amount of t’s, elbows, angles, etc. In some scenarios, the noise has been heard up to 30 feet deep and traced on a 6 inch main for over 1000 feet. Our Large EPTs are suitable for water mains over 2 inches in diameter. The water flow through this device is significantly more than the small electronic pulse transmitters.
Utility Mapping Services in Oregon

CNI Locates provides underground utility mapping services in all of Oregon State, from our nearest field office location in Portland, Oregon or Eugene, Oregon. Our utility mapping technicians help reduce accidents, budget overruns, costly rerouting, damaged reputations, injuries, project downtime, and project durations. Before someone performs subsurface work, it is extraordinarily valuable to have updated information about the subsurface utilities and features so you can avoid them and protect the integrity of the property the work is being performed at and the surrounding properties. Utility mapping is the process of identifying and documenting where underground utilities and features are located with sophisticated GPS, GNSS, or RTK receivers and putting that up to date information on a site map to reference during construction, engineering, environmental work, future utility locating services, subsurface work, surveying, etc.
Video Camera Pipe Inspection Services in Oregon

CNI Locates offers pipe camera services using our push video pipe inspection cameras to inspect lines, provide pipe locating services, mark the location of problems, and to provide depth assessments in all of Oregon State, from our nearest field office location in Portland, Oregon or Eugene, Oregon. Below are some of the common reasons for a video pipe inspection (VPI).
- Blockages from foreign objects inside the pipe.
- Breaks in the pipe.
- Corrosion inside the pipe.
- Damage to pipes.
- Frozen Pipes.
- Misalignments in the pipe.
- Plumbing leak detection inside the pipe.
- Root intrusion inside the pipe.
- To identify the vertical and horizontal location of the pipe.
- To identify if there are any pipes connected to the pipe.
- And more.
CNI Locates Oregon State Field Offices and Contact Information
For general inquiries please contact (877)826-1177, email [email protected], or schedule a work request/estimate through our website. All we need is 24 hours’ notice, Monday through Friday to schedule an appointment for the next business day.
Eugene, Oregon Field Office (541)650-9324
Portland, Oregon Field Office (971)312-6745
Reasons Why You Would Need a Crawler Inspection Service
Any pipe that is 6+ inches in size can cause a standard push pipe video camera to coil up inside the pipe, potentially limiting us from pushing the full distance of the pipe. When this happens, we need to use a robotic sewer crawler to locate the full distance of the pipe. Also, any pipe that is 4+ inches and is over 300 feet in length will require a sewer crawler since our standard push cameras can’t insert more than 300 feet. Our sewer crawler service is able to drive up to 1000 feet inside of a pipe as long as there aren’t any limitations preventing us from going further.
There are multiple reasons that someone could be having problems with the sewer or drainage pipes on their property. In order to identify the problems inside your pipe, you must hire a utility detection and inspection company to provide video camera pipe inspections. CNI Locates offers two different video camera pipe inspection services, the first is our push sewer video inspection cameras, and the second is our robotic sewer crawler inspection cameras. These cameras inspect pipes, provide pipe locating services, mark the location of problems inside of pipes, provide detailed videos/reports, provide depth assessments, etc. Below are some of the general reasons to get a sewer pipe inspection on sewer, drainage, or other types of pipes.
- Blockages from foreign objects inside the pipe (e.g., food scraps, hair, wipes, dental floss, fats, oils, coins, toys, etc.). Blockages prevent a pipe from being able to drain properly. If blockages are left untreated the sewage and wastewater will eventually build up and could start backing up out of drains/pipes, causing horrible smells or even causing the pipe to burst.
- Breaks in the pipe. Breaks can be caused by multiple factors (e.g., corroded pipes, poor installation, recent subsurface work, environmental conditions, punctures, blockages, etc.). If a break is left untreated, it could cause health concerns, sinkholes, rodent infestations, etc.
- Corrosion inside the pipe from sulfide gas caused by sewage. Corrosion causes the pipes to crack or split at the seam creating leaks. If corrosion is left untreated, it could lead to leaks, misalignment, or even cause a pipe to collapse.
- Damages to pipes from construction. Pipes can be damaged during excavation, fence post installations, driving rebar or ground rods into the ground, retaining wall installations, soil compaction, or any other type of subsurface work. If damages are left untreated, it could cause health concerns, sinkholes, blockages, misalignments, rodent infestations, etc.
- Frozen Pipes. Frozen pipes are caused by temperatures dropping below freezing around pipes that are full of water. It causes pressure to build up inside pipes leading to blockages, leaks, breaks, etc.
- Misalignment in the pipe. Shifts in the surrounding soil or leaks commonly cause misalignments. If misalignments are left untreated, the pipes could crack, leak, collapse, etc., over time.
- Leaks inside the pipe. A leak can be caused by multiple factors (e.g., breaks, corrosion, damages, frozen pipes, misalignments, root intrusion, etc.). If a leak is left untreated, it could lead to health concerns, erosion in the area (causing sinkholes), rodent infestations, damage to your home’s foundation, etc.
- Root intrusion inside the pipe. Root intrusion is caused when roots work their way into a pipe over time. If left untreated, root intrusion can cause blockages, breaks, leaks, misalignments, etc.
Hire Our Experts to Video Inspect Your Pipes
CNI Locates offers an array of utility detection and inspection services in all of Oregon and Washington State. We have field office locations in Everett, WA; Renton, WA; Seattle, WA; Tacoma, WA; Eugene, OR; and Portland, OR. CNI Locates has been Oregon and Washington’s leader in subsurface utility detection and inspection services for 20+ years. Contact our knowledgeable experts at CNI Locates to schedule a service at (877) 826-1177 or email [email protected] to schedule a service within 24 hours’ notice, Monday – Friday.