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It's a Jungle out there. Underground Utility Detection & Inspection Services

Oregon & Washington States Leader in Performing Gas Locates for Safe Excavation

Oregon & Washington States Leader in Performing Gas Locates for Safe Excavation

Oregon & Washington States Leader in Performing Gas Locates for Safe Excavation

CNI Locates Ltd. has the capability to locate natural gas pipelines, petroleum pipelines, oil pipelines, steam pipelines, hydrogen pipelines, alcohol (ethanol) pipelines, argon pipelines, methane pipelines, propane pipelines, oxygen pipelines, nitrogen pipelines, and more. Performing subsurface work around gas pipelines can be extremely dangerous, and we highly recommend calling 811 to have public utilities located and a professional utility locating service like CNI Locates to verify public marks and check for any private, unknown, or abandoned utilities in the work area.

Types of Gas Pipelines

Below are some of the common gas, vapor, and air pipes that we locate regularly. 

  1. Natural Gas: Natural gas pipelines are commonly used for heating devices, cooking, power systems, and raw materials. These pipelines are extremely flammable, and accidentally striking one during subsurface work can cause serious injuries or damage to people, buildings, and equipment nearby. That’s why we recommend hiring a professional utility locating company like CNI Locates to locate natural gas pipes before performing subsurface work.
  2. Propane: Propane pipes are typically used for the same purposes as natural gas (e.g., heating, cooking, power, etc.), but these pipes are usually fed from a refillable propane tank on site. These pipes are extremely flammable, and accidentally striking one could cause serious damage or injuries to buildings, equipment, and people nearby. That’s why we recommend hiring an expert utility locating company such as CNI Locates Ltd. to locate propane pipes before performing subsurface work.
  3. Petroleum (Gasoline, Diesel, Aviation Gasoline, Jet Fuels, Crude Oils, Kerosene, etc.): Petroleum pipes are most commonly found at gas stations, but they are also used at airports, and industrial facilities, among other areas, and have pipelines that span across the country. Petroleum is extremely flammable, and if a pipe is struck during subsurface work, the outcome can be fatal, cause serious injuries, and cause damage to equipment or nearby properties. That’s why we recommend hiring a certified utility locating company like C-N-I Locates to locate petroleum pipes before performing any subsurface work.
  4. Alcohol (Ethanol): Alcohol (Ethanol) is a fuel additive for gasoline and other biofuels. Ethanol is very flammable and could cause irritation to the skin and eyes if someone is exposed directly to it. We suggest using assistance from a professional underground utility locating service provider like C-N-I Locates LTD to locate ethanol pipes before performing any type of subsurface work.
  5. Oil: Oil pipelines provide energy across the country. Oil pipelines cause fewer GHG emissions and are a more efficient and safer method to transport oil than the use of ships, trucks, or trains. Even though oil pipelines are a safer method of transporting energy across the country, they still pose extreme risks if they are struck or damaged during subsurface work. That’s why we recommend assistance from an expert utility locating company like CNI Locates to locate oil pipes before performing any type of subsurface work like excavation or drilling.
  6. Hydrogen: Hydrogen is mainly used for refining petroleum, producing fertilizer, treating metals, and processing foods. Hydrogen is very flammable and can potentially cause explosions or fires if a pipe is accidentally struck during subsurface work. That’s why we suggest using assistance from a certified utility locating company like CNI Locates Ltd. to locate hydrogen pipes before performing any type of subsurface work like excavation, drilling, digging, etc.
  7. Steam: Steam provides heating, cooling, humidity, and cleaning applications for many buildings. Steam pipes are more common in larger cities with high-rise buildings. Steam pipes are not flammable, but they are still very dangerous if they are struck during subsurface work. Striking a steam pipe can cause serious burns, injuries, or damage. That’s why we recommend assistance from a professional utility locating service provider like C-N-I Locates LTD to locate steam pipes before performing any type of subsurface work.
  8. Argon: Argon is used for lighting, heat treatments, 3-D printing, metal production, shield gas in welding, and more. Argon is inert and is classified as a simple asphyxiant. Inhaling excessive amounts of argon can result in nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of consciousness, or even death. We recommend hiring help from a professional utility locating service provider like CNI Locates to locate argon pipes before performing any type of subsurface work.
  9. Methane: Methane is primarily used as a fuel to make heat and generate electricity. Methane is a flammable gas that is colorless and odorless. We recommend using help from a certified utility locating company like CNI Locates to locate methane pipes before performing any type of subsurface work.
  10. Nitrogen: Nitrogen is commonly used to make nitric acid, nylon, fertilizers, dyes, and explosives. Although nitrogen is not flammable, it is still dangerous because it can replace oxygen and lead to suffocation if you are exposed to it. That’s why we recommend professional assistance from an expert utility locating service like CNI Locates Ltd. to locate nitrogen pipes before performing any type of subsurface work.
  11. Air/Oxygen: Compressed air is commonly used for power tools, as well as to atomize paint and propel vehicles. Airlines usually hold high pressures and cause serious injuries if struck during subsurface work. That’s why we recommend professional assistance from a certified utility locating company like CNI Locates to locate air pipes before performing any type of subsurface work.
  12. And More!: CNI Locates identifies an array of underground gas, vapor, and air utilities, as well as any other type of utilities you may have in your work area. Trust our certified experts in Oregon and Washington to help identify any utilities in your work area by calling (253) 826-1177.

Explore General Causes of Gas Leaks in Oregon and Washington.

Gas leaks can pose significant hazards, including fires, explosions, and other serious problems. Consequently, it is critical to have a clear understanding of the various causes of gas leaks in order to prevent them from occurring in your home. Here are the top five reasons why gas leaks can occur.

  1. Fitting and Connection Issues: Gas pipes are responsible for transporting natural gas from the local gas main to your home. Connections refer to the points where different fittings meet. Poorly installed fittings and connections are common, and even expertly installed fittings can develop leaks over time.
  2. Corrosion or Damage to Gas Pipes: Gas pipes can develop corrosion over time, which can result in leaks. This is a prevalent issue, with corrosion being the primary cause of gas leaks in the U.S. from 2009-2018.
  3. Poor Appliance Maintenance and Installation: Inadequate installation of gas appliances and poor maintenance can lead to gas leaks. Common issues include damaged or worn-out gas hoses, burners, and poorly fitted seals.
  4. Appliance Malfunctions: Even newly installed appliances can malfunction and leak natural gas if the malfunction affects the normal flow or combustion of the gas.
  5. Natural Disasters or External Damage: External factors, such as natural disasters, weather events, construction work, or other physical damage, can cause gas leaks. For instance, an earthquake may rupture gas mains, or excavation work can accidentally damage gas pipes.

Get Expert Assistance to Locate Gas Pipes Today!

Trust Oregon and Washington States leader in underground utility locating services for over 20 + years to locate your gas pipes accurately. CNI Locates technicians average over 8 + years of experience and go through rigorous training and educational courses quarterly to keep up with new technologies and industry standards. CNI Locates Ltd. has field offices in Eugene, Oregon, Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington, Tacoma, Washington, Renton, Washington, and Everett, Washington, that service all of the Pacific Northwest. Contact one of our representatives at C-N-I Locates LTD. for more details or navigate through our service pages and blogs to explore the various types of locating services we provide to our clients.

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