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It's a Jungle out there. Underground Utility Detection & Inspection Services

Frequently Asked Questions About Utility Locating Services

Frequently Asked Questions About Utility Locating Services

Performing subsurface work is considered to be dangerous because of all the underground utilities. Whether you plan to install a fence, remove a tree, dig a hole, perform construction, etc. employing a private utility locator is highly recommended to eliminate the chances of damaging any utility lines. Furthermore, public and private utility locations are important to minimize the chances of workplace injuries and keep the surroundings safe. C-N-I Locates LTD offers an array of services from Aerial Drone Imagery, Design Survey Locating, Electrical Fault Detection, Ground Penetrating Radar, Leak Detection, Magnetic Detection, Metallic Line Detection, Non-Metallic Line Detection, Plastic Water Pipe Detection, Public and Private Utility Locates, Sewer Crawler Inspections, Structural & Concrete Imaging, Utility Mapping, Video Push Camera Inspections, and more from experienced technicians in all of Oregon and Washington State.

Find All the Answers Related to Our Private Utility Locating Services

Employing a private utility locating service can be complicated, and most people have questions regarding various aspects. Therefore, we have compiled a list of questions to clarify the utility locating services offered by C-N-I Locates LTD; read further to explore!

How Does CNI Locates Mark Utilities and Provide Information About the Utilities They Located?

Our technicians flag and paint their findings directly on the surface. This method is the most accurate form of marking when subsurface work is expected to commence within a few days of service. Our technicians document all findings in their notes and take pictures of the work area. Additionally, we can provide detailed reports of a work area at the client’s request.

CNI Locates also uses a global positioning system (GPS) to collect data points of findings (if requested). We use this data to generate a utility map and can incorporate drone services to provide an updated satellite overlay (photogrammetry) of your site. 

What is “One Call” Service (811)?

“One Call” has become almost a generic name for organizations that coordinate utility locating services. In many cities across North America there are many service organizations such as “One Call”, “Call Before You Dig”, “Utility Notification Center”, etc. These organizations are available to assist you with getting the local utility companies to mark where their public utility lines are buried on your property or leading to your property. Utilities need to be located before you dig or excavate to avoid possible damage to the utility lines or injury to yourself. In Oregon and Washington State it is law that you contact these organizations before you dig. “One Call” will only locate public utilities and will not locate private utilities that account for over 50 percent of utilities on most properties or work areas. 

One Call organizations usually do not provide the locating service themselves. These service organizations have utility companies (“Members”) who have agreed to dispatch a One Call Utility Locator to mark their services when they receive a service order, referred to as a ‘Ticket’, from One Call. In some areas not all of the utility companies have agreements with the One Call service. You should confirm with your local One Call service which utility companies will be dispatched. You should personally contact any utility companies that are not Members of your local One Call service organization to come out and mark their utilities or contact a private utility locator like CNI Locates to double check public utility marks and identify any private utilities. On March 10, 2005, in the United States the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved the use of 811 as a national call-before-you-dig telephone number.

Who Does a One Call (811) Utility Locator Work For?

A standard utility locator may work for one specific utility company or may be an independent company contracted to provide standard utility locating for one or a number of utility companies. Depending on the arrangements your local One Call Service has with their members one or more standard locators may be dispatched to do the locates.

Is There a Cost for One Call (811) Locating?

In most locations the cost of the One Call utility locating service is free. In some areas there is a cost for this service. This can be confirmed by calling your local One Call service (811).

What Utilities do One Call Utility Locators Mark?

Generally, most standard utility locators contracted by One Call Members only mark the main line for the utility company they are contracted to. This means any private lines running from the main line may NOT be marked. To locate and mark these lines you will have to hire a Private Locating Company like CNI Locates. Also, in some areas, One Call locators will only mark lines leading to the private property and will not mark lines on the private property that were installed by the original builder. The utilities are typically marked by paint using Industry Standard Colors. 

Is CNI Locates a One Call locator?

No. CNI Locates Underground Utility Detection and Inspection Services is a Private Locating Company, which uses an array of services to locate and map utilities and any other subsurface features (such as secondary lines, private lines, buried tanks, septic systems, etc.) on private properties.

What Services Does CNI Locates offer?

CNI Locates Underground Utility Detection & Inspection Services offers an array of services from Aerial Drone Imagery, Design Survey Locating, Electrical Fault Detection, Ground Penetrating Radar, Leak Detection, Magnetic Detection, Metallic Line Detection, Non-Metallic Line Detection, Photogrammetry, Plastic Water Pipe Detection, Public and Private Utility Locates, Sewer Crawler Inspections, Structural & Concrete Imaging, Utility Mapping, Video Push Camera Inspections, and more from experienced technicians in all of Oregon and Washington State.

Why Should I Use a GPR Service if We Have to Use One Call Locating Anyway?

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a complimentary technology to Radio Detection and Electromagnetic (EM) locating technology. The benefits that GPR provides are many. The lateral position and depth of buried utilities is more accurate with GPR. In congested utility locations GPR can detect the various utilities. GPR can locate buried utilities comprised of different materials. GPR can locate metallic and non-metallic utilities even those without a trace wire or element. GPR technicians often collect data for the survey area in a grid format. A GPR survey grid means that more area is covered, and unknown objects can be discovered and ensure full coverage of the area. Traditional (EM) locate equipment requires the transmitting antenna be in line with the utility if you are using induction mode or they may be missed. GPR does not have this requirement so utilities running in an obscure direction can be identified. Although there is no technology that is 100% accurate, due to the varying ground science (e.g., soil type, soil mineralization, moisture content, dielectric value, signal attenuation, and conductivity) and the materials used for the utilities, combining traditional EM locating and GPR is your safest bet.

How Do You Dig Around Utilities?

If you are digging around utilities, you should always use a rounded or blunt-edged shovel. You should always start by digging to the side of the marked utility. You should not pry around a utility line to remove soil. Once you find the actual line, you need to exercise extreme caution. It can be incredibly easy to damage a utility line, which is why it is always better to reach out to a professional who can help you with this project. 

How Deep Are Utilities Buried?

The depth of utilities can vary depending on the type of utility you are looking for and the area that they are buried in. Most water, power, and telecommunications are typically buried around 2-3 feet deep. Sewer or Drainage can be as deep as 6 feet or more depending on the area. All utilities are vulnerable to being damaged if you dig without verifying their location. We recommend a combination of Electromagnetic Detection (EM) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to get an accurate depth assessment when exposing or performing subsurface work around utilities. 

How Deep Can You Dig Before Calling 811?

There is no prescribed depth that you are allowed to dig before you call 811. Regardless of whether you are installing a few small shrubs or putting in some fence posts, it is important to reach out to the authorities to make sure you do not hit anything important. Anytime you put a shovel in the ground, it is important to take a few minutes to call 811 first and then reach out to a private utility locating company like CNI Locates to identify private utilities in your work area. That way, you can reduce your chances of suffering a serious accident during your project. 

How Do You Find Utility Lines Under Your Property?

The best way to identify gas lines, water lines, electrical lines, television lines, telephone lines, sewer lines, drainage lines, irrigation lines, propane lines, lighting and other types of utilities underground is to reach out to a professional private utility locating company. CNI Locates has the right equipment to identify potential utilities that you may have otherwise overlooked. Even though calling 811 is a great place to start, it is always best to reach out to a professional private utility locating company because private utilities account for more than 50 percent of utilities in most work areas. That way, you can reduce your chances of hitting a utility line when you start subsurface work. In the United States there is a utility strike every 1-2 minutes as a result of not contacting a professional locating company. 

Can You Be Fined for Digging If You Hit a Utility Line?

Yes, you can be fined if you start digging and hit a utility line, particularly if you don’t reach out to 811 or a professional service first. The exact nature of the fine will depend on the identity of the utility you hit, the damage you do, and the state in which you are located. For example, the fine for hitting a gas line underground can be between $400 and $800; however, depending on the nature of the accident, you might be facing a fine of more than $2,300. That is why it is always important to reach out to a professional utility locating service like CNI Locates that can help you identify utilities before you start digging. 

How Do You Check If an Underground Cable/Wire Is Live?

If you uncover a cable/wire underground, you need to figure out whether it is still live. If it is live, it means that it is carrying an electrical charge. The best way to do this is to use a voltage tester. A voltage tester will measure the current flowing through the wire, letting you know if it is still carrying a charge. Regardless of whether the wire is carrying a charge, you need to exercise extreme caution. You should always reach out to a professional company like CNI Locates that can help you. 

Why Do I Need to Contact a Private Locator, Like CNI Locates, if 811 is available?

Commonly, most standard utility locators contracted by 811 only mark the main line for the utility company they are contracted to mark. This means any private lines running from the main line may NOT be marked. Private utilities account for more than 50% of utilities in most areas. To locate and mark these lines you will have to hire a Private Locating Company, like CNI Locates. Also, in some areas, One Call locators will only mark lines leading to the private property and will not mark lines on the private property that were installed by the original builder. 

Can GPR Be Used to Verify Known Measurements?

GPR has the capability to cross-check the measured depth and location of a located utility with existing as-built plans in order to verify the accuracy of plans.

Does CNI Locates Offer Same Day Private Utility Locating?

Yes, our expert technicians can respond rapidly to emergency same-day private utility locating service calls for your job site.

Will I Need to Mark Out the Utilities Before CNI Locates Arrives?

We recommend everyone calls 811 to have their public utilities marked before performing subsurface work, since it is the law. CNI Locates has the ability to locate and mark all accessible private utilities and the ability to double check or locate any public utilities before you perform subsurface work. We offer an array of services we use to mark the locations of utilities, underground storage tanks, leaks, faults, graves, voids, and whatever else may be underneath the surface.

Why Is Private Utility Locating Important?

Performing subsurface work without private utility locates can pose a number of potential risks on a job site. At CNI Locates, we want to work with our clients to keep projects on budget, on time, and safe while protecting their valuable reputations.

If you choose not to schedule utility locating services, the result could be harmful to your job site or company. There are compounding effects that could impact safety, project schedules, neighboring properties, and job site financials that could delay or cancel the entire project.

Is CNI Locates Able to Distinguish Between Each Type of Underground Utility Which Is Located?

In most situations, we can identify the utility in question without any problems, although it is not always possible to determine what type of utility is present. When this occurs, we attempt to trace the utility to a point of origin or termination, valve, meter, control box, or other appurtenance to determine the type of utility that is buried.

Can You Find PVC Piping and Other Non-Conductive Utilities?

Ground Penetrating Radar scanning is exceptionally effective at locating all types of subsurface materials. There are times when PVC pipes do not provide an adequate visual with ground penetrating radar equipment. However, CNI Locates technicians have the ability to incorporate electronic pulse transmitters and amplified acoustical listening devices (for plastic water lines), insert or video inspect any accessible non conductible pipe, and are expertly trained at multiple other methods of utility locating.

What Are Your Rates for Different Services?

Please contact (877) 826-1177, email [email protected], or request an estimate through our website, to discuss service rates or receive an estimate. The final cost is dependent on factors such as:

Job Location

How many utilities are being located

Size of the scan area(s)

What the surface being scanned is (e.g., ground/dirt, asphalt, concrete, indoor/outdoor, etc.).

If there are any obstructions that may impede or slow down the process (e.g., trees, bushes, bodies of water, buildings, fences, secured areas, etc.).

Whether or not there is access to utilities

Typically, we offer our services at an hourly rate, with each type of service varying in their rates per hour. The above factors will help determine how much is possible to scan per hour.

How Does CNI Locates Ensure Quality of Service?

At CNI Locates, we’re experts at aerial drone imagery, concrete and structural scanning, electrical ground fault locating, ground penetrating radar, leak detection magnetic detection, metallic line detection, non-metallic line detection, public and private utility locates, plastic water locates, utility mapping, video camera pipe inspection services, and more. All our technicians undergo rigorous training programs to ensure they are well prepared to meet your project’s needs. CNI Locates technicians have an average of over 10,000 hours experience and management implements quarterly testing and guides for equipment to educate our technicians.

What Type of Training Do Your Technicians Go Through?

Our technicians go through a 3 – 6 month training process. Each trainee is paired with multiple experienced technicians for in the field training as well as 2 + weeks educational training that includes reading guidelines, brochures, equipment manuals, and method of operations and being tested or quizzed throughout the educational process. This process enables the trainees to grow in knowledge and confidence needed to perform services accurately. Additionally, our technicians go through quarterly testing and guides to make sure they stay up to date with the newest technologies, procedures, and standards in our industry. 

What Is the Farthest CNI Locates Will Travel to Reach a Site?

CNI Locates services all of Oregon and Washington State. We have field offices in Everett, WA, Renton, WA, Seattle, WA, Tacoma, WA, Eugene, OR, and Portland, OR. Additionally, we are willing to travel to any other state that are services are required for the appropriate travel costs. 

Why Should I Choose CNI Locates Over a Similar Company

CNI Locates is Oregon and Washington Sates Leader in underground utility detection and inspection services. We focus on an array of services that enables us to be a turnkey service provider, this also allows us to work efficiently and meticulously to provide you with the information you need quickly. One key difference between CNI Locates and our competitors is that our technicians average 5+ years’ experience in the field and we can respond to any request within 24 hours, Monday – Friday.  

Does CNI Locates Perform S.U.E. Work?

Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) reduces the risk and improves the accuracy of subsurface utility readings. It is broken down into four levels of quality, governed by ASCE Standard 38-02. CNI Locates provides an array of underground utility detection and inspection services but does not currently provide a fully comprehensive in-house SUE service. CNI Locates does not provide engineering services. If you need professional engineering services, please contact a professional engineer.

What Qualities Set CNI Locates Team Members Apart?

CNI Locates strongly believes that the key to our success is our phenomenal team. We look for certain qualities that set us apart from the competition when employing new team members. Our strong sense of integrity, proven competency in our industry, and commitment to our customers are just a few of the qualities which make CNI Locates a step above our competitors.

Is CNI Locates Available to Work at Night or On the Weekend?

At CNI Locates, we pride ourselves on customer service and our ability to meet our customers scheduling needs. We are willing to work nights and weekends, in addition to regular working hours, to help you accomplish the goals of your project. Don’t hesitate to contact CNI Locates at (877)826-1177 or email [email protected] for rates and schedule availability.

How Quickly Can CNI Locates Respond to An Emergency Need?

In most circumstances we can have a technician on your site within 2 hours Monday through Friday for emergency work. We are also available after hours and on weekends for the applicable rates.  

How Is Ground Penetrating Radar Used?

GPR is used to identify the location of subsurface utilities and materials. CNI Locates uses radar for utility locating, subsurface explorations, and concrete scanning applications. We utilize varying antenna strengths from 250 MHz to 2600 MHz for different applications, depending on the scanned material and how deep objects are buried.

Can GPR Be Used to Locate Unmarked Grave Sites?

Yes, ground penetrating radar can be used to determine the location of unmarked graves for planning purposes. We are able to locate most grave sites, even those that have experienced material decomposition.

Can GPR Equipment Be Used on Vertical Surfaces or Ceilings?

Yes, we regularly use GPR equipment to scan for the location of reinforcing elements and utilities in concrete columns and walls. GPR can also examine the underside of a floor to mark out the reinforcing elements and any embedded utilities/conduits.

How Accurate Are the Results of Ground Penetrating Radar?

GPR is extraordinarily accurate! While accuracy depends on various external factors such as the dielectrics of soil conditions and signal attenuation, CNI Locates ensures that we can obtain the best results possible in each situation. Through experience, we’ve found that when using a concrete scanning antenna, the accuracy is typically +/- ¼” to the center of the object and +/- ½” to the actual depth. When locating an object using a utility locating antenna for scanning, the accuracy typically is +/- 6″ to the center and +/- 10% to the actual depth.

The results of concrete scanning antennas are generally higher resolution and therefore considered to produce better quality results. However, concrete scanning antennas cannot penetrate the ground as deeply as utility locating antennas. It is critical to understand the benefits and limitations of both types of antennas when performing ground penetrating radar.

How Can I Determine If GPR Is Needed for My Project?

Contact CNI Locates by phone (877) 826-1177, email [email protected], or make a request through our website, and a CNI Locates representative will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Our dispatchers and project estimators are skilled in assessing site conditions and can help you figure out how GPR services can meet your needs.

Does GPR Have Any Limitations?

GPR is extremely effective at locating subsurface utilities and other materials, however it does have certain limitations. While some of the GPR energy pulse is reflected to the antenna, energy also keeps traveling through the material until it either diminishes (attenuates) or the GPR control unit has closed its time window. The rate of signal attenuation varies widely and is dependent on the properties of the material through which the pulse is passing.

Materials with a high dielectric will slow the radar wave and it won’t be able to penetrate as far. Materials with high conductivity will attenuate the signal rapidly. Water saturation dramatically raises the dielectric of a material, making an area difficult to scan due to signal attenuation.

Metals are a complete reflector and don’t allow any amount of signal to pass through them. Materials beneath a metal sheet, fine metal mesh, pan decking, or any other metallic objects will not be visible.

Can GPR Equipment Be Used to Scan CMU Walls?

We can use ground penetrating radar equipment on concrete masonry unit (CMU) walls and structures. GPR can also determine the presence or absence of grout, bond beams, vertical rebar, horizontal rebar, and joint reinforcing within the CMU structure.

Can Ground Penetrating Radar Determine the Exact Size of a Subsurface Void Cavity?

Ground penetrating radar equipment can be used to identify the area where a void is occurring and can identify a void’s boundaries. However, the depth from the top of the void to the bottom of the void cannot be accurately measured.

How Far into The Ground Can GPR Penetrate?

This answer depends on the type of application and subsurface conditions. Our concrete scanning antennas can typically penetrate 18”-24” into the ground. For private utility locating needs on grass, asphalt, or concrete, the utility locating antenna can generally penetrate up to +/- 8′, but this can vary greatly depending on site conditions.

In certain situations, a lower frequency antenna can be used for greater penetration. Please contact a CNI Locates representative for more information on selecting the right GPR antenna/service for your project.

Is Ground Penetrating Radar Safe to Use?

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a safe, non-invasive piece of equipment used to identify subsurface utilities and objects. GPR does not emit any harmful radiation or other byproducts. The scanning process does not create any noise, and the area can remain undisturbed during the scan. Contact CNI Locates with any questions regarding the safety of GPR usage.

What Type of Ground Penetrating Radar Equipment Is Used?

CNI Locates uses a variety of ground penetrating radar antennas with a range of 250 MHz to 2600 MHz according to a project’s needs. Our two most used pieces of equipment are our concrete scanning antennas with a range of 1500 MHz – 2600 MHz and our utility locating antennas with a range of 250 MHz – 800 Mhz.

What Types of Concrete Scanning Are There?

CNI Locates provides two specific but different scanning services: elevated concrete slab scanning and concrete slab-on-grade scanning/locating. Elevated concrete slab scanning involves detecting embedded electrical conduits, rebar, post-tension cables, and more before core drilling a hole, anchoring, cutting, or any other destructive process that penetrates the slab. Performing a concrete slab-on-grade locating service typically involves scanning a trench line for conduits before conducting saw cutting, trenching, or any other destructive process to install/fix a sanitary pipe, water line, or something similar.

Can GPR Determine the Difference Between Rebar and Electrical Conduit?

Ground penetrating radar can accurately differentiate between rebar and electrical conduit in most circumstances. We have an extremely high success rate in identifying electrical lines in supported slabs or slabs-on-grade before saw cutting, anchoring, core drilling, or any other destructive process.

Additionally, CNI Locates can use Electromagnetic (EM) locators to determine the location of conduits in the concrete. If we can transmit a signal onto the metal utility/conduit, we can locate it with a high accuracy. We can also find the conduit passively if a live electrical current runs through it.

The combined use of GPR and EM scanning allows us to provide one of the most comprehensive and accurate utility & conduit locating services available.

What Are the Benefits of Concrete Scanning?

There are many benefits to utilizing our concrete scanning services on your next project. Concrete scanning is able to identify reinforcing elements, utilities, slab depths, and other materials within the slab. Taking precautions like concrete scanning or utility locating can help keep your project on time, on budget, and safe.

If you fail to schedule a concrete scan and damage an unknown post-tension cable, reinforcing element, utility, etc. while performing subsurface work, this is often costly to fix. The expense of these unnecessary repairs results in a loss of time and budget.

How Is GPR Used to Identify Tendons Vs. Rebar in A Post-Tensioned Slab?

In post-tensioned structures, we typically find one mat of support rebar near the base of the slab. This mat is generally consistently spaced and remains at a constant elevation. Post-tension cables are generally found above this support mat and “draped” throughout the rest of the structure. The elevation of the cable is usually high near the beams and column lines and drapes lower through the span between beams and column lines. Knowledge of these structural differences allows us to accurately differentiate between components. Our technicians will leave you feeling confident in our findings and in your ability to drill, anchor, cut or perform any other types of subsurface work without issue.

Why Do I Need Concrete Scanning?

When you’re working on a new structure or renovating an old building, there are countless subsurface hazards that need to be accounted for prior to subsurface work. 

If you choose not to schedule utility locating services or concrete scanning, the result could be detrimental to your job site or company. There are compounding effects that could impact safety performance, project schedules, and job site financials that could delay or cancel the entire project.

We are the best at what we do because performing underground utility detection and inspection services is all we do, and we take pride in our high-quality deliverables. When you are faced with the need to know what lies below the surface, contact Oregon and Washington States leader in subsurface damage prevention. Your project’s success could depend on it.

How Many Miles of Pipe Can You Test in One Day with A Leak Correlator?

Correlators are powerful microphones/sensors used to locate leaks on pressured pipes, where the rough location of the leak is unknown. Two sensors are placed in contact with the pipe on both sides of the suspected leak and calculate the difference in time it takes noise to reach each sensor.

Technicians with years of experience can test up to 10 miles of pipe a day on a metallic system (Cast Iron/Ductile). Experienced Leak Detectors can test a contact point (Hydrant/Valve) within a minute before moving on to the next one. Our leak detection equipment and technicians work efficiently because they are trained to hear the specific tone that a leak produces compared to any other number of noises a general environment creates.

How Confident Are You in A Leak Location You’ve Identified?

We have developed a thorough leak detection methodology. We are confident in our leak location markings if clients are willing to help us work around any limitations we encounter, and all criteria is met using our available technologies.

Why Don’t I See Any Water at The Location You’ve Pinpointed as The Leak?

Water finds the path of least resistance. Water can run through cracks in subsurface rock or make its way into storm, sanitary, and conduit piping. If the subsurface contains a high volume of sand or pea gravel, it will naturally flow farther down. There is no water visible on the surface on most of the leaks we locate.

What Is Leak Detection?

Leak detection is used to determine if and where a leak has occurred in systems which contain liquids or gases. CNI Locates leak detection service is used to help homeowners, municipalities, facilities, etc. maintain safe and efficient water distribution from a water service, pressurized domestic supply network, or fire protection systems. Often, water can leak causing damage to the surrounding infrastructure, creating unnecessary costs for clients. CNI Locates can identify these water leaks, allowing our clients to reduce the number of costly excavations required for remediation. 

Can You Tell Me How Big the Leak You’ve Found Is?

In most scenarios we are able to identify how much water is being lost by checking the measurement of cubic feet on the water meter over a period of time. Our technicians have analyzed thousands of previous leaks detected, and we ask our clients to send us pictures of the remediation. This information has helped us compare our final leak signal detected with the results of the actual leak. However, we do not produce formal size estimations for leaks.

Why Do You Have to Occasionally Work in The Early Hours of The Morning or Late Hours at Night to Identify Leaks?

Our acoustic listening equipment is highly sensitive and amplifies leaks and other sounds which mask leak signals during the day. If we work in city environments, there is often a significant amount of ambient noise. These sounds include airplanes, traffic, mowers, machinery, and most importantly, people using water. It is up to the Leak Detection Technician to determine if early morning or night work should be utilized to minimize all other noise to focus on the leak signal.

What Size Pipes Can CNI Locates Video Inspect?

CNI Locates has the equipment and capability to use Video Camera Pipe Inspections to inspect pipes ranging 2″ in diameter and up.

Can You Locate Pipes in Addition to Using Video Pipe Inspection?

Using a combination of our state-of-the-art equipment and expertly trained technicians, CNI Locates can locate various kinds of pipes with numerous types of locating methods.

What Is Video Pipe Inspection (VPI)?

Video Pipe Inspection (VPI) is a video inspection service using CCTV video cameras to mitigate or prevent infrastructure damage by inspecting underground water, sewer, drainage, empty conduits, pipelines, etc. CNI Locates technicians can locate blockages, breaks, clogs, corrosion, misalignments, leaks, and root intrusion, investigate cross bores, find structural faults and damages, conduct sewer line inspections, etc.

What Report Deliverables Does CNI Locates Offer?

CNI Locates technicians provide thorough job notes with pictures of their findings. They also have the capability to provide USB drive videos of video pipe inspections, updated utility maps, aerial drone imagery pictures/videos, or detailed reports if requested by the client.

Does CNI Locates Assume Liability for Any Damages Involving Underground Utilities?

Ultimately, the owner of the private utility lines on their property is required to follow their state’s One Call law before beginning any excavation or digging work. Therefore, the liability is in the hands of the property owner. CNI Locates will not guarantee the longevity of facility markings due to activities on site that may destroy or otherwise alter any markings placed on the ground by CNI Locates.

GPR and Electromagnetic Detection technologies offers the ability to determine the depth of a located object. The depth indications can vary, and there is typically a 15% margin of error.

Can Surfaces with Accumulated Moisture Result in Inaccurate Results?

This can be true. Clay soil, green concrete, or soil with high water content can affect the GPR data and output. This is because water is conductive and once the radar picks up the moisture, it makes it tough to “read” beyond the water barrier.

The best approach is to speak to the analyst that is local to the area of the project, to better discuss the conditions of the soil in that area, as well as other options we may have.

When Is the Right Time to Contact Utility Locating Services? 

Before you perform any subsurface work, it is the law to call 811 to have your public utilities marked, but private utilities account for more than 50% of utilities in most work areas and 811 will not mark these utilities. CNI Locates offers an array of underground utility detection and inspection services to help identify public and private utilities and other subsurface elements. 

Get The Best Private Utility Locating Services with CNI Locates!

C-N-I Locates LTD offers an array of services from Aerial Drone Imagery, Design Survey Locating, Electrical Fault Detection, Ground Penetrating Radar, Leak Detection, Magnetic Detection, Metallic Line Detection, Non-Metallic Line Detection, Plastic Water Pipe Detection, Public and Private Utility Locates, Sewer Crawler Inspections, Structural & Concrete Imaging, Utility Mapping, Video Push Camera Inspections, and more from experienced technicians in all of Oregon and Washington State to ensure the success of all your construction projects. Contact us for information about our private utility locating services or visit our website to explore more about the services we offer!

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