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It's a Jungle out there. Underground Utility Detection & Inspection Services

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Why You Need Updated As-Builts on Your Next Project

Imagine you’re building or managing a facility, and you need to know exactly where every pipe, wire, and cable is located. That’s where as-builts provide a huge benefit. They are detailed drawings that show the current state of a building or site, capturing everything from mapping underground utilities to structural components and equipment layouts. These drawings are essential for any construction project or building’s lifecycle, as they provide a precise record of what was actually built.

The Importance of Accurate As-Builts

There are typically many changes in construction projects through design documentation, site factors, and materials available for use, among others. Thus, the initial concepts may quickly turn into relics. Some of the problems that may arise include, for instance, when you are implementing changes on new and concrete structures, only to find out that there are discrepancies in the existing plan and actual construction, or there may be problems such as maintenance and renovation, among others. Having correct as-builts, you will be able to have a reliable reference of the current building state, and you will do away with costly errors and time waste.

How C-N-I Locates Captures As-Builts

C-N-I Locates technicians are experts at locating utilities, and they have sophisticated and efficient GPS/GNSS antennas, RTK antennas, and aerial drones to provide thorough as-builts. The end product is a point cloud that is very precise in terms of every detail of the subsurface utilities up to 1 cm accuracy.

After processing the data, it can be exported as CAD files compatible with programs like Revit and AutoCAD for designing 2D and 3D plans, virtual walkthroughs, and utility maps. These digital representations are invaluable for various applications, including:

Documentation, Verification, and Recordkeeping: Coordination and supervision of the construction work to ensure that the work done corresponds to the designed construction plan and its adherence to the legal requirements.

Clash Detection and Avoidance: Discovery of a problem that may exist between disjointed systems such as piping and ductwork, then coming up with the solution to those problems.

Accurate Historical Records: As a reference for future maintenance, renovations, and in case of emergencies, it has proven to be a significant benefit.

Applications of Updated As-Builts

Documentation and Verification

Detailed and accurate as-builts are relevant in proving that construction projects align with designed goals and plans. They assist in minimizing the case of contravening building laws and or code of regulations and also offer a hard copy of what was eventually constructed. This is paramount since it ensures that services granted meet the stipulated quality standards and puts emphasis on possible risks that may occur.

Clash Detection

In construction works involving intricate features such as piping systems and installing ducts, clash detection is necessary. It also pinpoints conditions where there is an intended clash between the designed structures and the already built ones, which will greatly assist exclusion of pitfalls such as the provoking of extra work and time consumption. It is good to have updated as-builts to check all the clashes that may be observed as the construction continues.

Historical Records for Facility Management

It is extremely useful for a facility manager to have updated as-built plans available. They involve the specific details of the building structure and sections, which would enable efficient planning for the repair, renovation, and reconstruction of the building. Originally designated to provide architects and contractors a plan of the structure that most closely resembled what was built, as-builts offer visibility into vital data in emergencies, including fires or floods, and can, therefore, be a lifesaver.

C-N-I Locates: Your Partner in Accurate As-Builts

At C-N-I locates, we do appreciate the need to provide our clients with accurate updates and as-built diagrams. When a technician is mapping underground utilities they rely on field-verified data collected by sophisticated pieces of equipment, providing a single source of truth for the documentation of your building.

Your plans are at your fingertips. Trust C-N-I Locates for utility mapping and locating services to help protect your assets and personnel with precise and reliable as-built documentation.

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