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It's a Jungle out there. Underground Utility Detection & Inspection Services


What Is Magnetic Detection and Why Is It Important

What Is Magnetic Detection and Why Is It Important?

Magnetic Detection is the identification of ferrous metals. Ferrous metals contain iron in them which carries magnetic properties. Magnetic detectors are extremely useful when you are trying to locate buried PK nails, septic tank handles, survey markers, cast-iron pipes, valve & curb boxes, manhole covers, handhole covers, steel drums, oil tanks, well casings, road culverts, catch basins, fire hydrants, etc. CNI Locates provides professional magnetic detection and metal detector services in all of Oregon and Washington State.

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What is Non-Metallic Line Detection and Why It Is Important

What is Non-Metallic Line Detection and Why It Is Important?

Non-metallic line detection is the detection of any utilities that are non-metallic or have breaks in continuity with the use of a locatable flexrod, flexitrace, fish tape, tracer wire, or sonde combine with the use of an electromagnetic transmitter and electromagnetic receiver. Non-metallic line detection is important because electromagnetic transmitters and receivers are not able to send/receive a signal on a utility that is not metal/conductible, unless those utilities are inserted with something that is metallic (e.g., flexrod, flexitrace, fish tape, tracer wire, sonde, etc.). CNI performs non-metallic line detection along with an array of other services in all of Oregon and Washington State.

What is Non-Metallic Line Detection and Why It Is Important? Read More »

Utility Locate Services in Washington State

Exposing Common Myths About Utility Locator Services

C-N-I Locates, Ltd offers a wide variety of utility detection services and utility inspection services like Aerial Drone Imagery, Design Survey Locating, Electrical Fault Detection, Ground Penetrating Radar, Leak Detection, Magnetic Detection, Metallic Line Detection, Non-Metallic Line Detection, Photogrammetry, Plastic Water Pipe Detection, Public and Private Utility Locates, Sewer Crawler Inspections, Structural & Concrete Imaging, Utility Mapping, Video Push Camera Inspections, and more from experienced technicians in all of Oregon and Washington State.

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